mixed breed - 5 jaren jong
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Akkoord met onze voorwaarden.Terms and conditions
These conditions apply to all business transactions made on this platform belonging to our legal entity registered under the trade name of "Van Nieuwenhuyzen, Auguste".
The user confirms to have read and agreed to these conditions by making a payment on our platform.
Only claimed content can lead to commercial activity after manual revision and verification by a platform administrator. More about verification of accounts with commercial intent at the bottom. Any platform visitor can register an account with us and access it after successfully verifying ownership of the e-mail address and account. With that verified account it is then possible to "claim" content if the account's e-mail address matches that of the content to be claimed. Claimed content is from then on only and directly modifiable by the account that claimed it and the privileged accounts (administrators). Now that the verified account has claimed ownership of the content the privileged accounts are no longer notified as a result of directly modifying this content. The content is likely a representation of their commercial activities. This makes it their responsibility to keep that content up-to-date, honest and correct. Content can be claimed or be removed after background checks performed by a platform administrator when the content is deemed inappropriate for our platform.
We aim to keep this platform pet-friendly, pet-related and informative as honestly and correct as possible. We intend to remain neutral, support pet businesses and connect them with pet owners.
A transaction fee is issued for each payment occurring on our platform. The amount of these fees depend on the payment method used, listed here: Mollie Pricing. The party, the payment is directed at shall cover the transaction fees.
It's the responsibility of the external legal entity to provide us with correct information about their entity, for passing our verification process. More on verification process, below.
Services are refundable up until a certain amount of time before these would take place. The default time period an undecided booking can be cancelled and refunded is 24 hours in advance. An undecided booking is a booking with an open status, which means neither parties declined the booking nor did the pet service at hand accept it. Such undecided / open bookings stay open until either party cancels it, resulting in refund.
We aim to only enlist professionals in the pet industry with their up-to-date, accurate and honest information. Even so, we encourage any platform visitor to think critically, use common sense and act as responsible adults.
Email-verified accounts that created and/or claimed their business profiles (content) may (free of charge) request for enabling platform features that result in commercial activity on their behalf. In this verification process a platform administrator manually verifies whether the verified account has provided us with correct information about their legal entity. This information includes but is not limited to the legal entity's officially registered name, tax number, address of HQ, bank account number, ... The administrator double checks whether the bank account number is correct to make pay-outs possible. It's the requester's responsibility to provide us with honest and correct information and to comply with all requirements for conducting their commercial activities e.g. insurances, permits, ... We are not liable for issues caused by the provision of incorrect information nor for issues caused by the requester not complying with the requirements set for acting out their commercial activities.
After verifying the legal entity of the requester, we enable platform features that result in commercial activity on their behalf. The activities including but not limited to providing pet-related services or selling pet-related products which are legal in accordance to local law. The now "company" verified account can manage incoming bookings, orders and pay outs.
The "company" verified account hereby allows this platform to collect payments on their behalf without holding us (the platform) liable for any acts or omissions of their company. The "company" verified account agrees that payments for their goods or services, made on this platform shall be considered the same as a payment made directly to them and to fulfill requested services or goods in the agreed upon manner as if they themselves have received the applicable fees. The "company" verified account agrees that we as the platform take an application fee of 5% on the earnings resulting from a service booking or product sale initiated by our platform. The application fees will be used to cover the costs of e.g. marketing, administration, infrastructure hosting, ... We may alter this fee at any time.
We as the platform can temporarily or permanently undo the verified status when the "company" verified account does not honor our terms and conditions or platform policy. Undoing this verified status will immediately take away any features that may result in a payment initiated by our platform. We as a platform may then close your account and remove your content from the platform.
If you wish to close your account or have any of your content removed you can request this by simply using the contact form or by contacting the administrator.
Pet professionals comply with all laws and requirements applicable to your activities. Pet owners should ensure that their pets are vaccinated and licensed as required by local law.
You may not use our platform to break the law. At all times, you have to comply with all applicable laws. We as platform have no obligation to conduct background or police checks of its users.
If requested you agree to provide us with identification documents (copies of ID or passports) or other information as may be needed.
You as pet professional enlisted on this platform offering goods or service assume the risk of any damages to anyone or anything affected. Pet professionals on the job, take sole responsibility for decisions made in the best interests of themselves and the pets under their care. They assume the risk of handling pets that are not accustomed to them. They will not hold us or the platform liable for any risk or damages described above and they agree to hold us & the platform harmless, indemnified against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses.
We disclaim that our platform and used third party providers represent or warrant the operation or use of the site will be timely, secure, uninterrupted or without error. We furthermore disclaim that the content on our platform or its representation of the content is without error. We are not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, or other damage resulting from such problems. We disclaim any warranty related to the quality of the content, the persons or businesses referenced on the site. You use our platform at your own risk.
We are merely a platform increasing discoverability between pet business, pet owner and pet content. We are not and do not act as an employer, employer service, agent, agency nor any of that sort to anyone using our platform. We are not responsible for anyone's taxes but our own.
- Located at
- Frederik Burvenichstraat, 9050 GENTBRUGGE, Belgium.
- Tax number
- BE0771668157
The user confirms to have read and agreed to these conditions by making a payment on our platform.
User information
This website collects personally identifiable information when users submit forms such as user registration, payments,... Personally identifiable information includes any information that could be used to identify the user, including but not limited to name, e-mail address, phone number or any combination of information that could be used for identification purposes. This information is utilized only to fulfill the users’ requests. Information collected on this website will not be sold or publicly distributed. We collect this information for the purpose of providing, identifying and communicating with you, responding to your requests.Communications
We may use your personal information to contact you with updates, marketing or promotional materials and other information that might be of interest to you. You may opt out of receiving marketing or promotional materials by following the unsubscribe link or instructions provided in any promotional email we send.Content & photos
The unclaimed pet-related content visible on our platform is public, non-personal content not to be used for commercial purposes nor to be shared with third-party beneficiaries. The content is either collected from public resources or collected with consent or with at least notifying the subject of the content. The subject can withdraw consent or request for (representative of the subject) content to be removed, simply by informing us at no cost at anytime. Any platform visitor can (anonymously or not) contribute to our platform by requesting to add or modify certain, unclaimed public, non-personal, pet-related content. This request will notify a privileged platform account to review, accept or deny this request.Only claimed content can lead to commercial activity after manual revision and verification by a platform administrator. More about verification of accounts with commercial intent at the bottom. Any platform visitor can register an account with us and access it after successfully verifying ownership of the e-mail address and account. With that verified account it is then possible to "claim" content if the account's e-mail address matches that of the content to be claimed. Claimed content is from then on only and directly modifiable by the account that claimed it and the privileged accounts (administrators). Now that the verified account has claimed ownership of the content the privileged accounts are no longer notified as a result of directly modifying this content. The content is likely a representation of their commercial activities. This makes it their responsibility to keep that content up-to-date, honest and correct. Content can be claimed or be removed after background checks performed by a platform administrator when the content is deemed inappropriate for our platform.
We aim to keep this platform pet-friendly, pet-related and informative as honestly and correct as possible. We intend to remain neutral, support pet businesses and connect them with pet owners.
Links to third-party websites
Our platform may contain links to third-party websites or resources of third-parties. Such third-party actors may be subject to different terms and conditions and privacy practices. We are not responsible or liable for the availability or accuracy of such third-party actors, or their content, products, or their services available. Links to such third-party resources are not our endorsement of such third-party actors.Pricing
We may update the pricing of our products at any given time. However, we are to apply the prices valid at the time of your order, no surprises.Payments & fees
Our platform uses a third-party, Mollie for payment processing. Our legal entity is known & verified with this third-party. Payments occuring on our platform are first stored in our Mollie account and are afterwards paid out to our connected bank account registered to our legal entity. Payments directed to external legal entities e.g. verified businesses enlisted on our platform, will receive the payment directly onto their connected Mollie account. Transaction fees may apply.A transaction fee is issued for each payment occurring on our platform. The amount of these fees depend on the payment method used, listed here: Mollie Pricing. The party, the payment is directed at shall cover the transaction fees.
It's the responsibility of the external legal entity to provide us with correct information about their entity, for passing our verification process. More on verification process, below.
Refunds & cancellations
Some of the products on this platform are of consumable nature and thus not refundable e.g. paying for increased content visibility, any form of sponsorship, any form of donations, products with a non-refundable nature due to expiration or personalization, ... This excludes goods or services with a refundable nature in accordance with the local law on the matter. More about services below.Services are refundable up until a certain amount of time before these would take place. The default time period an undecided booking can be cancelled and refunded is 24 hours in advance. An undecided booking is a booking with an open status, which means neither parties declined the booking nor did the pet service at hand accept it. Such undecided / open bookings stay open until either party cancels it, resulting in refund.
Verification of commercial profiles
Unclaimed content which may represent commercial profiles enlisting goods or services may contain contact details, using these contact details will lead you away from our platform. And thus we are not liable for anything that follows from that. When these profile pages display no actionable features that result in a payment initiated by our platform, this content page is not "company" verified. Examples of such actionable features that result in a payment are booking a service, ordering a product, ...We aim to only enlist professionals in the pet industry with their up-to-date, accurate and honest information. Even so, we encourage any platform visitor to think critically, use common sense and act as responsible adults.
Email-verified accounts that created and/or claimed their business profiles (content) may (free of charge) request for enabling platform features that result in commercial activity on their behalf. In this verification process a platform administrator manually verifies whether the verified account has provided us with correct information about their legal entity. This information includes but is not limited to the legal entity's officially registered name, tax number, address of HQ, bank account number, ... The administrator double checks whether the bank account number is correct to make pay-outs possible. It's the requester's responsibility to provide us with honest and correct information and to comply with all requirements for conducting their commercial activities e.g. insurances, permits, ... We are not liable for issues caused by the provision of incorrect information nor for issues caused by the requester not complying with the requirements set for acting out their commercial activities.
After verifying the legal entity of the requester, we enable platform features that result in commercial activity on their behalf. The activities including but not limited to providing pet-related services or selling pet-related products which are legal in accordance to local law. The now "company" verified account can manage incoming bookings, orders and pay outs.
The "company" verified account hereby allows this platform to collect payments on their behalf without holding us (the platform) liable for any acts or omissions of their company. The "company" verified account agrees that payments for their goods or services, made on this platform shall be considered the same as a payment made directly to them and to fulfill requested services or goods in the agreed upon manner as if they themselves have received the applicable fees. The "company" verified account agrees that we as the platform take an application fee of 5% on the earnings resulting from a service booking or product sale initiated by our platform. The application fees will be used to cover the costs of e.g. marketing, administration, infrastructure hosting, ... We may alter this fee at any time.
We as the platform can temporarily or permanently undo the verified status when the "company" verified account does not honor our terms and conditions or platform policy. Undoing this verified status will immediately take away any features that may result in a payment initiated by our platform. We as a platform may then close your account and remove your content from the platform.
Account & content removal
We as a platform may then close your account and remove your content from the platform. Any content can be altered or removed by a platform administrator when the content is deemed incorrect or inappropriate for our platform. Before altering critical information e.g. a pet business' contact details, we'll first run the modification by that pet business if possible.If you wish to close your account or have any of your content removed you can request this by simply using the contact form or by contacting the administrator.
Eligibility & liability
The platform is intended solely for responsible adults and pet owner and pet professionals who are 18 or older. If you are under 18 years old, you may view this platforms contents at your own risk but may not act upon any of it without permission of your legal guardian. This includes but is not limited to anything resulting in payment transactions, attending venues or places, meeting up with anyone or any pet, ...Pet professionals comply with all laws and requirements applicable to your activities. Pet owners should ensure that their pets are vaccinated and licensed as required by local law.
You may not use our platform to break the law. At all times, you have to comply with all applicable laws. We as platform have no obligation to conduct background or police checks of its users.
If requested you agree to provide us with identification documents (copies of ID or passports) or other information as may be needed.
You as pet professional enlisted on this platform offering goods or service assume the risk of any damages to anyone or anything affected. Pet professionals on the job, take sole responsibility for decisions made in the best interests of themselves and the pets under their care. They assume the risk of handling pets that are not accustomed to them. They will not hold us or the platform liable for any risk or damages described above and they agree to hold us & the platform harmless, indemnified against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses.
The unclaimed pet-related content visible on our platform is public, non-personal content not to be used for commercial purposes nor to be shared with third-party beneficiaries. The content is either collected from public resources or collected with consent or with at least notifying the subject of the content. The subject can withdraw consent or request for (representative of the subject) content to be removed, simply by informing us at no cost at anytime.We disclaim that our platform and used third party providers represent or warrant the operation or use of the site will be timely, secure, uninterrupted or without error. We furthermore disclaim that the content on our platform or its representation of the content is without error. We are not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, or other damage resulting from such problems. We disclaim any warranty related to the quality of the content, the persons or businesses referenced on the site. You use our platform at your own risk.
We are merely a platform increasing discoverability between pet business, pet owner and pet content. We are not and do not act as an employer, employer service, agent, agency nor any of that sort to anyone using our platform. We are not responsible for anyone's taxes but our own.
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